Dear Friends,

I guess writing this took so long because i have not really realized yet that hairspray is over. Of course I cried a lot and I was very sad. However now looking back I can be proud. I don't have many words to describe how lucky I felt all along, although it really was the toughest job I have done in my life so far. The cast was so brilliant and every show was a challenge. It never got boring and I loved Tracy's role so much, saying goodbye to such a big project wasn't easy. However I feel this is more like a new chapter in my life, in my artistically life, tracy opened up a new page in my life and I am proud to look into my future with new opportunities, acting is definitely a craft I love very very much and do hope to pursue, singing of course is my first love and so I am eager to get back to my personal music, I don't believe I will be touring in the near future however I am working on a new project and I know I always kind of take my time however all my fans know what ever I do I want to do it right. Now I am filming for ZDF neo and will finish off that project go on vacation and then come back strengthened and then make a plan of how and when I want to do what... I will keep you posted and thank you all for being so supportive.

Your maite


Maite Kelly composed a song at home. Check it out!

New Book with Maite as Co-Autorin

''Das Beste im Leben ist umsonst'' (only in german available) Maite writes also a letter with pictures.

Maite Kelly bei der Goldene Henne 2010

Das Kleid wurde von Kilian Kerner entworfen

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